Categories: English edition

Mounir Fatmi : History is Not Mine

Mounir Fatmi, Sleep – Al Naim, 2005 – 2012, HD, B&W, stereo, 6 Hours, Edition 3/5

Paradise Row is pleased to present History Is Not Mine, the first UK solo exhibition of works by Mounir Fatmi. The immediate subject of History Is Not Mine is censorship, broadening out into the underlying theme of Fatmi’s work meaning and its deformation by power. His work is driven by the desire to evade all forms of indoctrination.

Across a wide range of media, Fatmi attempts this through the construction of highly tactical visual spaces and linguistic games that identify and foreground the violent operations of the forces of
capital, politics and religion to dominate thought and language.

Mounir Fatmi, History is Not Mine, 2013, Video, HD, Edition of 5

These aestheticized and elegantly seditious provocations are designed to generate scepticism and criticality. The show’s title plays on the title of a group exhibition, History Is Mine staged last year in Toulouse where a video work by Fatmi, Technologia which combines verses of the Koran with elements inspired by Duchamp’s Rotoreliefs, was removed from display following violence and rioting from certain local elements in response to the work. Shortly after, Paris’s Institut du Monde Arabe censored Fatmi’s video piece Sleep Al Naim excluding the work an exhibition on Arabic creativity.

Sleep Al Naim will be shown in this exhibition for the first time in the UK. A six hour video installation that insidiously inhabits the form of Andy Warhol’s experimental film Sleep of poet John Giorno asleep, Sleep Al Naim depicts Salman Rushdie (rendered in 3D digital animation) asleep. In the context of the threat to Rushdie’s life following the 1989 fatwa issued by Ayatollah Khomeini, Rushdie’s sleep becomes ambivalent, a purgatorial middle point between life and death.

Dead or Alive, 2007-2008

Alongside Sleep Al Naim , Fatmi presents a major new installation Without History, formed from a series of jump poles (typically used in equestrian competition) inscribed with excerpts from Sun Tzu’s The Art of War and installed so as to impede the movement of visitors to the gallery. The exhibition will also show new works from his well known series Circles and his series of sculptures deploying Koranic phrases laser cut into circular saw blades.

History is Not Mine

19 April – 1 june 2013

Paradise Row Gallery
74a Newman Street
London W1T 3DB
T: +44 (0)20 7636 9355

Mounir Fatmi constructs visual spaces and linguistic games that aim to free the viewer from their preconceptions of politics and religion, and allows them to contemplate these and other subjects in new ways. His videos, installations, drawings, paintings and sculptures bring to light our doubts, fears and desires. They directly address the current events of our world, and serve to both clarify the origins and symptoms of global issues, as well as speak to those whose lives are affected by specific events.

He is a multimedia artist based in Paris who has exhibited internationally. His works have been shown in numerous solo exhibitions at the Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst,National Picasso Museum War & Peace, FRAC Alsace, Le Parvis Contemporary Art Center and the Fondazione Collegio San Caro Modena. He has participated in several group shows at the Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, The Brooklyn Museum, New York, Museum Kunst Palast, Düsseldorf, The Mori Art Museum in Tokyo, Museum on the Seam, Jerusalem, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Mathaf Arab Museum of Modern Art, Doha and the Hayward Gallery in London.

He has also been nominated for the 2013 Jameel Prize run by the Victoria & Albert Museum to be announced in December. His installations have also been exhibited at numerous biennials including Venice (52nd and 54th ), Sharjah (8th), Dakar (5th and 7th), Seville (2nd), Gwangju (5th) and Lyon (10th).Mounir Fatmi has been awarded several prizes including Cairo Biennial Prize in 2010, the Uriöt prize, Amsterdam and the Grand Prize Leopold Sedar Senghor of the 7th Dakar Biennial in 2006.

Mounir Fatmi was born in 1970 in Tangiers, Morocco and lives and works in Paris.

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